In this module, I had had learn that in constructions, the usage of material as well as the method of constructions effects the overall way the building is build. Every little details is important as building need to withstand extreme loads and how its materials plays important ole in its construction as well as its aesthetic purposes.
In this module, I have learned some interesting things along my journey in my second semester. Along the way, I learned how to identify the usage of materials as well as the methods of constructing a building. This learning led me to the first TGC'S, Lifelong Learning. Besides that, I learn how to identify the details of construction where most of the supports need to be as it need to support heavy weight. This as well makes me think of ways to support the building as well as to identified the weakness of the supports. By ensuring the construction following the standard required, this makes me curious of the ways we think of the safety measures in construction. This led to my second TGC'S, Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills. As a continuation, I find it a little bit difficult for me to talk to my lecturer as I am not used to meeting new lecturers and tutors. But after getting to know them well, I find it very interesting and fun to have a conversation with them. They tought me how to be criticall at all time, analysing and interpreting data as well as teaching me and guiding me along the way. This led me to my final TGC'S, Intrapersonal Skills which I have developed from all the guidance and teaching from them.